Saturday, July 3, 2010

Supermarkets in Slovenia

I’m on a walking tour of a few Slovenian villages with my parents and thought I’d get this travel blog started before heading to India in mid-August.

Since my research in India will investigate how supermarkets are affecting fruit and vegetable consumption there, I of course wanted to investigate the supermarkets in Slovenia as well.

At the Mercator grocery store in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia—where we stayed the first three nights—produce took center stage. It was the first thing shoppers saw as they entered the store and the last thing they passed on the way out.

The supermarket also sold fruit and vegetable seeds. I’ve never seen seeds in U.S. supermarkets, but maybe I wasn’t looking hard enough. Let me know in the comments section if you’ve seen seeds in U.S. grocery stores.


  1. I've seen seeds sold in Earth Fare (smaller version of Whole Foods) in Athens, GA

  2. They sell them in most stores in Austria though they probably aren't super obviously placed.
